About Us

Hi! We’re the creative minds behind Color & Charm: Bianca and Carolyn! Specializing in hand lettered gifts and journaling accessories, we’ve been creating and crafting for years, loving the challenge of learning and experimenting with new art forms. The foundation of our art is a love of different textures—fabric, ink, paint, wood, paper… and finding ways to make beautiful (but also functional!) pieces to inspire you every day.
We met writing high school curriculum—supporting teachers across our county. Bianca’s specialty is science, and Carolyn’s is math - and with all that right-brained work, art became a necessary balance in our day! We bonded over a love of art journaling and bullet journaling (a DIY planner system) and have developed new products as a result of wanting to use them ourselves! Lately, we’ve been experimenting with new floral techniques, lettering layouts, and even a few acrylic landscapes! Check out @colorandcharmnc on Facebook, Pinterest, and Instagram to keep up with what we’re making each week - original and custom artwork, home decor, art and bullet journal supplies, and so much more!!

Need to contact us?
Message us on social media, or use the contact info below.
colorandcharmnc@gmail.com | 704-931-8090